Study of Fiber Optics Communication Set
Objective: To construct a Optical Transmitter and Transmission of Signal through Fiber Optics Cable. To construct a Optical Receiver & study the Attenuation of Signal when transmitted from Transmitter to Receiver end. Analog & Digital Link can also be studied as this unit is complete with Sine & Square Waves. Bending Losses can also be studied.
Features: Instrument comprises of Microphone Preamplifier stages consists of MIC (Microphone) , Preamplifier & Amplifier ( Voice is converted to electrical signal & then amplified ) & fed to LED ( Transmitter) & then through fibre cable , signal is sent to Photodetector ( Transistor ) & again amplifier & output is sent to Speaker Unit. Power Supply of + 6 VDC) is used in Amplifier ckt. 2 No. Fibre Optics cables are provided ( one of them is 50 cm long & the other is 100 cm long.). Connectors at both end of fibre cable are provided for insertion in sockets provided on the front panel. Bending Losses can also be studies in long wire.
Standard Accessory : MIC with 2 meter long lead and a Speaker 4", 4 ohm. is mounted in a vertical box with 1 meter long connecting leads.
2 No. Fiber optic cable having length of 50 cm & 100 cm. are provided.
Optional Accessory : Digital multimeter (3.1/2 Digit, Big Size Display )
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