Digital IC Trainer
Having a definite quality management system, we are regarded as the noteworthy manufacturer and supplier of Digital IC Trainer. This trainer kit is tested on various predefined parameters to deliver defect free product to the clients. Offered trainer kit is designed to educate people to design, test and evaluate digital circuit in easy way. Provided kit is customized in various specifications as per the need of the client. Additionally, we provide this Digital IC Trainer to clients at rock bottom prices.
Trainer consisting of
Regulated power supply of +5V/1 Amps.,
Clock Generator (1,10 &100Hz),
logic input switches(Bounceless) - 8 No.,
output LED indicators(Buffered) - 10 No.,
seven segment display with decoder IC ( 2 No.) ,
Big Size board with all IC mounted beneath the front panel
& Functional diagrams of all digital circuit e.g. logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR & EX-OR 4 No. each) ,
Multiplexer, RS, D & JK flip flops, Decade & Binary Counter, Universal Shift-registers,Full adder,Magnitude comparators, Decoders etc. ,
IC bases of 14 & 16 Pins for mounting any additional IC are also provided.
Complete with 25 No. 2mm stackable Leads & Comprehensive User Manual.
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